You might be wondering what I’m up to with all this. It’s a fair question. I’m not published yet. I’ve only finished a few short stories so far, it might be a while before anything I write sees print. How are you supposed to know what you’re in for?
I’ll answer that question the way any good writer would: With an anecdote.

I’ve recently started re-watching Babylon 5. There was a lot of great sci-fi on TV in the ’90s and ’00s. Most of it followed the general formula of using the cast as a vehicle to explore themes and situations, but in my mind the best of these series delved into the characters themselves, letting you see their world through differing perspectives and experiences. The dialogue in these series was far better as a result, and often elevated the programming above the technological limitations they might have otherwise had in special effects. It’s why Farscape had staying power beyond the muppet gimmick, why Battlestar Galactica was gripping from wire to wire, why Firefly captured our hearts, and why DS9 was by far the best Star Trek series.
Yet no other series triumphed in dialogue quite like Babylon 5. More so than its peers, Babylon 5 explored what it meant to experience the universe. Where other shows of the time put their focus on the consequences of technology or conflict with alien races, Babylon 5 chose to focus on life, spirituality, and the search for meaning. Thanks to this, any given moment could result in an off-handed quip that really made you think. You could expect several moments in every episode where they’d present a concept that made you go “Hmm!”
I’ve always thought this is the best part about science fiction and fantasy as literary genres. The greatest of these pose difficult questions and really make you think. They don’t always have the answers either; the best questions rarely do.
That’s what I’m aiming for as an author. I want to make you think. I want to make you go “Hmm!” And I want you to be entertained in the process.
Stick around, folks! I promise, you’ll be glad you did.